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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Social Justice

Social Justice is the idea of creating a society that is based on the principles of equality.  Social Justice in the classroom has many problems.  People believe that it is wrong to teach social justice in schools.  This is because they just want to teach the children the basic things of schools.  They are scared to bring up race, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation because of the questions and arguments that go along with all of these.  This things are all differences among people in the world and that is what makes us unique from one another.  So I believe that social justice should be taught in the classroom.

A big problem with social justice is homosexuality especially many years ago.  Schools are suppose to be safe and comfortable learning environments for all students.  But everyday, children who are starting to notice that they are attracted to the same sex, feel very lonely and not accepted in school.  All schools teach about relationships and families as having a mother and father.  They never teach about a family that has two mothers or two fathers.  Homosexuality is becoming more and more apparent and it should be taught in schools.  People who are homosexual feel like they are different and not accepted because people are so against talking about it because it is different then what it supposed to be "normal".

People who are attracted to the same sex have a higher alcohol rate.  This is because they are trying to drink away their problems.  They feel as if people will laugh at them and call them names because of who they are attracted too.  Also homosexuals have a higher rate of suicide because they feel unaccepted and different.  This is completely wrong.  That's why I believe that homosexuality should be taught in the classroom as a part of Sex Education.  If this is taught and people know about it, it wouldn't be as "weird" to them and people wouldn't have as much of a hard time coming out. 

The new slang words such as "faggot" and "that's gay" need to stop.  People who say it don't mean what they literally mean.  But people who are homosexual get very offended by these words and this is what leads who depression and suicide.  This is why I believe that Social Justice of all aspects should be taught in schools, so children know from a young age that everyone is equal no matter what.
